Simple Sound for Small
last updated: 21 JUN 2003 (v0.8)
To install the libsssd library, cd to the 'src' direcotry and type
'make install'
To make the demo applications, cd to the 'test' directory and type
To install the libsssd library (NOTE: Compiled versions may exist,
check the rel dirs)
1) Open the src/win32/ project file with MSVS
2) Set active configuration to the release config
3) Rebuild all
4) Copy the sssd.lib/dll file into your lib/dll directory or
application directory
To install the libsssd library (NOTE:
Compiled versions may exist, check the rel dirs)
1) Open the src/wince/ project file with MS EVC
2) Set active configuration to the release config
3) Rebuild all
4) Copy the sssd.lib/dll file into your device lib/dll directory or
application directory
AmigaDE/Intent Hosted
Follow the builds above for your host platform.
For Linux:
Copy (or link) /usr/local/lib/ to
(note the file name must be 'sssd' - that's not a directory)
For Windows:
Copy libsssd.dll to
Copy libsssd.dll to
Start intent and cd to the
src/amigade_hosted directory. Source the script 'build.scr'.
This will leave you with a set of secondary tools for all
supported platforms. In place of native tools, you will have
wrappers to generic host-side functions. This is desireable for
testing. When you make these calls on a device specific image
file, intent will substitue the appropriate host-side files, or use the
native files if no host side files exist.
AmigaDE/Intent Native
The AmigaDE/Intent Native port is incomple and unsupported at this time
documentation (c)2003 Patrick Roberts. Duplication and
reproduction rights granted under any circumstances. No warranty
expressed or implied. Accuracy not guaranteed.