Simple Sound for Small Devices
last updated: 03 JUN 2003 (v0.6)

Function Name:  sssd_stopSample

  Stop a currently playing sample or all playing instances of a sample.

C Prototype:

void sssd_stopSample (struct sssdaudio *ga, int sample_id);

  Other Prototypes:


struct gameaudio *ga

    Pointer to an initialized sssdaudio structure (returned by sssd_initAudio)

int sample_id

    Sample_id number returned from loadSample..., copySample..., or registerSample, OR playing_id returned from a playSample call.   Sample_id will effect all playing instances of the sample.   Playing_id will only effect the specific instance.



libsssd (c)2003 Patrick Roberts created from libgaudio (c) 1999-2000 A. Schiffler.  Release as open source under MPL 1.1.  Documentation (c)2003 Patrick Roberts.