Simple Sound for Small
last updated: 03 JUN 2003 (v0.6)
Function Name: sssd_playSample
Asks the mixer to play a sample. This function is a
simplified macro for sssd_playSamplePP()
C Prototype:
int sssd_playSample( struct sssdaudio* ga, int sample_id, int
repeat_count, int volume, int pan )
Other Prototypes:
gameaudio *ga
Pointer to an initialized sssdaudio structure
(returned by sssd_initAudio)
int sample_id
Sample ID number returned by loadSample...,
copySample..., or registerSample.
int repeat count
Number of times to repeat sample. 1 plays the
sample once, 0 plays loops the sample indefinately. Numbers
greater than 1 will play the sample n number of times.
int volume
Volume to play the sample at. 0 is silent, 256
is full volume.
int pan
Pan location to play sample at. -128 is left
speaker, 0 is center, and 128 is right speaker. This argument is
ignored if the mixer is set to mono (channels=1)
Playing_id to be used to control play instance of sample.
Invalid sample_id.
libsssd (c)2003
Patrick Roberts created from libgaudio (c) 1999-2000 A. Schiffler.
Release as open source under MPL 1.1. Documentation (c)2003
Patrick Roberts.